Annuity Training
Effective January 1,2021 a New NAIC DOL Fiduciary Model was implemented in certain states – Please click the carrier links below for details and or to determine if your state requires additional annuity suitability or continuing education training prior to any annuity sale.
Annuity product training must be completed to proceed with your appointment and before you complete an application. Note that several states require suitability training as well. Please e-mail if you have any questions.
Questions? Or want to check the status of your Training? Call the IMG Field Support Center at 888-501-4043 or send an email to
Portal code: WSFG
Minnesota Life/Securian
How to complete your MN/Securian training reference piece – click here.
Questions? Call 1-877-593-3366.
Nationwide recently received word from Pennsylvania that there will be additional training required for all financial professionals, to conduct business in the state. Below are the details on what will go into effect on December 1st, 2020, and how training can be completed.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, through PA House Bill 152, is implementing regulatory annuity financial professional training requirements. This requires financial professionals to complete annuity producer training that consists of product-specific training, and a one-time, four-hour, basic annuity CE training prior to selling annuities.
Protective – Annuity Product Training
Contracted agents can view it on RegEd
Non-Contracted must use Kaplan
Product Training:
- (log into RegEd in the upper right hand corner of page)
- Find “Enter Product Code” on the left hand side of the web page
- Course Title: First Symetra – NY Select Pro and Select Max Fixed Deferred Annuity
- Please be sure to hit the “Attest” button on the last slide to receive completion credit.